Anis MinMin Anis MinMin: 2013

Wednesday 25 September 2013 thing that we must know is..travelling make us more knowledgeable and sometimes it will make us realize that no other place that is much better than our own country..i'm so glad that i can make it to place that i never thought will be sooo much beautiful and a very nice and warm thing that all my lecturers and seniors said is "make sure you GRADUATE ON TIME.."hahahaha i will try hahahahaha..everything here is so amazing that sometimes i thought that i never leave the Peninsular Malaysia but in reality..i'm in Sarawak..state that has a lot of heritage and culture and nature that need to be explored by us..all the seniors also said "kenali Sarawak and korang akan jatuh cinta dngan BUMI KENYALANG"i think maybe one day this words will become a reality and it will come out from my own mouth..
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Group..teamwork..together..bind..a bouquet..klau nak patahkan sebatang lidi mmg snang tapi kalau nak patahkan seikat lidi ianya akan mmerlukan tenaga yang bnyak dan silap2 hari bulan kita xkan dapat patahkan seikat lidi trsebut wlaupun keadaan lidi yang kurus kering(kurus kering?mana aq belajar bahasa ni)..anyway..ianya sama la mcm kehidupan kita..klau kita brseorangan je memang senang orang nak tipu and perdayakan kita tapi klau kita brkumpulan and yang paling penting sekali kita mngikat tali perpaduan yang kuat n erat xkan ade orang yang akan aniaya kita(ok..except our own groupmate) as a family..remember that..your best friends around you is one of the i mention just now..except from your family,they will make a great groupmate..just imagine how do they care about you and how hurt their heart is when they see us in a miserable state..we will sometimes asked ourselves"why do they care so much on me..we're not siblings nor relatives nor someone that i thought will take care of me just like their own family..own siblings or own relative.."Sometimes that is something unique about a group or may i specificly said 1st we met each other we will feel so awkward and not cared too much on them but then..without we realized something our relationship will gradually develop into something as we said like FAMILY..selalu jumpa dngan orang mcm ni and akhirya dorang jadi kawan baik anis yang sngat2 baik and sangat2 caring tak kira la time anis happy or sedih..dorang akan sntiasa dngan anis..jauh or dekat they will always support must feel the same way too..isn't it..hahahahahaha
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Monday 23 September 2013

My busy day and packed schedule will start from today onwards and warning!!!more assignments is/are on their way to meet me and be my best friend forever hahahahaha..keep up a positive mind and always being an optimism person..never give up and please save me from being too much moody with my happy to say that now i'm start to enjoyed and extremely involved in this course and program..hahahaha toooo many reading but it's ok because when we read a lot we will gain a lot of knowledge and met new experiences..keep up your day and smile always..smiling will make you more younger..Have a nice day..bye2 ahnyong..
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Let your love blossom like the cherry tree and flows like water or river that will always gave a warm and cozy condition to anybody around you.Never hide your life,spread it all over for your family members your friends your teachers and someone special in your heart.Learn how to give and take in any relationship that we built with other will find that being tolerate in the relationship will make the relationship sweeter and happier:)
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Saturday 21 September 2013

HOLIDAY!!!!!my special holiday..kan bagus klau dpat pergi tempat mcm ni dngan kawan2 or my own family..we always thought that this world as easy as anis je yang pkir mcm tu..hahaha tapi bila dah lalui pelbgai jenis dugaan and brjumpa dngan ramai orang barula anis sedar yang hidup ni xdela semudah yang kita sangka..but one thing that i'm sure about life will be a whole lot better if I can spend all my precious time with all my friends and seeing them smiling so bright can bring happiness into my never erase that happy face from your life..klau korang stress just......bgtau je anis hahahaha..kadang2 pun anis stress jgk ea x hahahahahaha..for me friendship is something that is way tooooo much precious in our matter wherewe go we will meet someone that will be our bestfriend and there is no island without a man on it..same with us..we cannot live on our own..eventhough we're already an independent person by hook or by crook we will need someone to support us from the matter what just go on with our life and enjoy it as long as God gave us oxygen to breath hahahaha sains sngat aq ni..oxygen ea x..bye2 have a nice day:)
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Friday 20 September 2013

cake cake cake and cake..especially with strawberries on top always makes me happy and being in paradise..hahahaha bestnya klau tiap2 hari dapat makan strawberi..malangnya kat umah anis xdpat tanam strawberi..even tanam pun bukan boleh hidup:(..nanti orang lain jawabkan lak "nak strawberi pergila Cameron"..kan..hahahahaha..Our life will be really wonderful if we get what we want but sometimes it is impossible to fulfil our will..but as long as we enjoy this life we will never feel that we are lack of something..For me,I will be really grateful if my family and friends always beside me..can I say that my friends just like strawberries..because they are sooooooo sweet and so so so nice and always make my life bright just like the blue sky..wlaupun kdg2 kitaorg gaduh tapi biasa la kan..bak kata pepatah 'sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit'inikan pila persahabatan yang mmerlukan kesabaran drpd kdua2 pihak..we should give and take with our friends..strawberry sedapnya
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Thursday 19 September 2013

Masa berlalu dngan pantas kan..rasa mcm baru smlm je kita sama2 dngan kawan2 and classmate kita time lower and upper secondary..sekarang dah masuk U and dalam masa yang singkat ni je kita dah kenal ramai orang and dah interact dngan dorang..I've never knew that I will gain soooo much friends..and the most important thing is..God have help me a know why?because He had gave me the chance to met and interact with the nicest person in this world..MY FRIEND..I LOVE THEM..SARANGHAE..WO AI NI MEN..hopefully yang friendship ni akan brkekalan and both of me and my friends will never change ourselves..i mean if for a good self changes it's OK..but if for a negative self changes it will be K.O..hahahaha anyway..just be ourself because we are special in our own way...
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